Teacher Education was started in 1936 at the Nazarene Mission, It offered a one - year programme known as the Elementary Vernacular Teachers’ Course (EVTC). Completing students of that course were qualified to teach the first four grades in the Primary Schools. In 1940, the course was improved by extending the training from one year to two years. In 1953, a two-year, post Standard VII course called “Primary Lower Course” (T4) was introduced. As schools began to produce more Junior Certificate graduates, the demand for higher qualified teachers increased. As a result, the College introduced an upgraded course in 1961, the Primary Higher Teachers’ course (T3). While this course was being launched, the lower course EVTC was phased out. For quite some time the College offered two courses; the Primary Higher (T3) and the Primary Lower (T4). In 1974 the Primary Lower course was discontinued. This made increased enrollment possible in the Primary Teachers’ Course (PTC) which was offered up to 1986. Current developments have led the College to offer the Primary Teachers’ Diploma (PTD) which is the post “O” level course. The College is affiliated to the University of Swaziland.


Nazarene College of Education delivers high quality training through the combination of Christian faith and learning.


Our mission in partnership with parents, communities and His Majesty’s government is to provide solid training in a Christian environment and thus produce teachers with high moral values and integrity.


To guide the attainment of the mission, vision and mandate, the following values are adopted:

 Professionalism
 Meeting deadlines
 Integrity
 Transparency
 Quality service
 Respect
 Cooperation
 Supportiveness
 Equal fair and just treatment


 Provide a quality academic programme
 Produce Primary School Teachers
 Deliver high quality training
 Provide opportunities for part time programmes
 Produce Christian – oriented teachers
 Contain / control the effects of HIV/AIDS


1.01  A minimum of six passes at school leaving examination
including English Language, three (3) of which must be credits in subjects taught in Primary Schools which are, Mathematics, SiSwati, History, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Physical Science, Combined Science, Integrated Science, Biology, Human and Social Biology, Home Economics, Food & Nutrition, Fashion & Fabrics, Agriculture, Religious Knowledge and English Literature. French, ICT, Life skills, entrepreneurial ship 
1.02.   Subjects that will not be recognized as falling into the category of those taught in the Primary Schools are Accounts, Commerce, Technical Drawing, Metal Works and Woodwork.
1.03 A Primary Teachers’ Certificate plus a minimum of five (5) passes at school leaving examination including English language, three (3) of which must be credits in subjects taught in primary schools as mentioned in Primary Schools as mentioned in 1.01.  These students will enter at Year 2 at the Diploma Programme.
1.04 Any other equivalent qualification approved by the Board of Affiliated Institutions, Exemptions
Students, who have passed some courses in other Institutions of higher learning, may be exempted from taking that course once again.  Course such as:
• Academic Communication Skills
• Introduction to Computers for Education.


2.01. The duration of the programme shall be three academic years.

2.02. The programme of training shall comprise the following groups of subjects:

GROUP A:  Is Teaching Practice, which is the main professional component.

GROUP B:  Are core subjects that are taught at the Primary School level.

GROUP C:   Are support subjects.


GROUP A:  Teaching Practice

Science and Health
Social Studies (History, Geography and Religious Education)
Home Economics
Special and inclusive Education

Group C

Art and Crafts
Physical Education
Numerical Skills
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Students in Year 1 and 2 follow a common programme and choose major subjects in year 3. Teaching Practice is done for six (6) weeks in Year 2 for the same period in Year 3. 


To be always at the forefront of Technology changes.
Mission Statement
To maintain its position as the principal institution of higher level in Technical and Vocational Education and Training in the Kingdom.
Dedicated at providing and facilitation high quality/excellence TVET education and training in collaboration with public and private sector.

Customer satisfaction
We believe that the customer is the reason for our existence

To enhance the development and expansion of the economy for the prosperity of the Swazi Nation within the SADC Region and globally.
Goals and Objectives
To provide a wide range of full-time and part-time programmes which meet individual career aspirations in the light of current and future requirements of business and industry in both private sector.
To be at the forefront of technological changes through research in collaboration with employers in the private and public sector
To assist in the development of entrepreneurship and the creation of opportunities for self employment.
To link and liaise with other educational and training establishments, industries locally, regionally and globally in order to utilize the country’s training efficiently and effectively.

Scot Website

Gwamile VOCTIM’s mission is to produce qualified and skilled individuals:

•    To cope with changes in technology and be able to cope effectively with the demand of work;

•    To understand the impact of industry on the environment ;and to develop the skills of self-employment

Central to this mission are the following goals or objectives:

•    To enable Swaziland’s public and private sector establishments to recruit skilled craftsmen and clerical workers for the labour market.

•    To provide school leavers and other young unemployed people with a systematic training at craft level with a view towards self-employment.

Gwamile VOCTIM presents you with the perfect opportunity to pursue a career or vocation in any of the following:
Commercial Studies (including Business Practice and Secretarial);
Electrical Engineering;
Mechanical Engineering (new course Diploma in Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering starts in Aug 2011);
Automotive (Motor Vehicle) Engineering; (a new course in Panel Beating may run starting Jan 2012)

Wood Work (all aspects of carpentry)

Building  (a new course in plumbing started in Aug 2010)

These courses will enable you either to pursue a vocation in gainful employment within the public and private sectors of the Swazi economy or to venture into entrepreneurship.

These courses are offered in an environment that fosters and enhances high work ethics and high standards of workmanship. Gwamile VOCTIM prides itself in the quality of its graduates and in what they are capable of doing. Thus our graduates are worth more than the certificates and diplomas they are awarded. Our training environment is of high standard, and we value our workshops and equipment; and do our best in using these optimally and responsibly. We likewise do our best to ensure their maintenance-even within the constraints that we sometimes have to face.

Our craftsmen are not only skilled, but are a resource that is capable to maintain production levels, and to work their way up the ladder without losing touch of their craftsmanship.
Our message to prospective students is that those intending to follow a course in engineering, need to work hard in English, Maths and Science, among others; and that those intending to follow Commercial Studies should have done Book Keeping or Accounting in addition to English

Application Forms
Courses run in August or January of each year. Those intending to apply should find first check what courses will be run (these are advertised in the daily newspapers in February or September), and thereafter collect application forms from reception. They may also enquire from reception in February or September about what courses will be run. Please note that application forms are not released before these dates.
Entry Requirements
Obtainable from reception.

To provide a diversified curriculum for the development of highly skilled competent and resourceful teachers who will contribute effectively and efficiently to the development of the nation and the SADC region.


To be an excellent teacher educator institution renowned for producing competent teachers and providing quality service by engaging experienced professionals using modern systems that prospective teachers and other significant stakeholders aspire to associate with in the deliverance of quality education in Swaziland and beyond.


Ngwane Teachers’ College (NTC) is situated in the Shiselweni region. The college is about 3km south of Nhlangano town. The college was established in 1982 as a government institution under the ministry of Education. The construction of the college emanated from the findings of an education commission which was set up by the government in 1976. The recommendations of the commission included the construction of a teachers’ college which would have diversified programmes that would include practical subjects such as Agriculture, Art and Crafts, Music, and Home Economics.
The construction of the college was sponsored by the European Union (EU) and was officially opened on 30th September 1983 by Prince Bhekimpi Dlamini who was Prime Minister then. The EU also provided funds for staff development. Some lecturers were sent to the United Kingdom for further training. Kellogg foundation also helped with funds for the upgrading of lectures’ qualifications. Experts were also sent from the United States to come and help with the development of the college curriculum. This led to the introduction of an exchange programme between NTC and Ohio University. The Ohio University used to send students to learn and have experience of the culture and set up of Swaziland. In return the college sent lecturers to Ohio University to study for Masters Degrees.

The Primary Teachers Certificate (PTC) was phased out in 1987. From 1989 to date the college is offering a three year Primary Teachers Diploma (PTD) programme. About 90% of the students in the college are sponsored by the Swaziland Government. Students are awarded scholarships by the Swaziland government which cover: tuition, boarding and lodging, book allowance as well as personal allowance.

The demand for Primary school teachers in Swaziland is very high and the college is unable to cope with this situation. The college has a caring capacity of four hundred (400) residential students and an additional thirty off campus students. Plans for expansion of the institution are underway and this will increase the caring capacity to a one thousand.

Since its first output in 1983 the college has produced a total of 2982 primary school teachers, 1019 PTC and 1963 at PTD level. 


1.    Administrative officers

The administrative staff comprises of the following:
i.    Principal
ii.    Vice Principal
iii.    Senior Librarian
iv.    Senior Matron
v.    Bursar

2.    Teaching staff
Currently there are fifty (50) teaching staff members distributed amongst the six (6) college faculties.

The college is structured into six faculties:

i.    Faculty of Pure Science (housing Mathematics, Science and ICT)
ii.    Faculty of Applied Science (housing Home Economics and Agriculture)
iii.    Faculty of Social Science ( housing History, Geography & Religious
iv.    Faculty of Practical Arts (housing Music, Physical Education, Art & Craft)
v.    Faculty of Languages (housing, English, SiSwati, French)
vi.    Faculty of education (housing Foundations, Special Education, Curriculum and Methodology)

3.    There are seventy (70) Non-academic staff providing support services for instance cooking, cleaning, processing library materials and maintaining the college.


The affairs of students are regulated by the office of the Dean of Student Affairs in collaboration with the Student Representative Council (SRC) which acts as the local government of the students. 


To Qualify for Admission
Applicants, who have passed the “O” Level, GCE, IGCSE examinations, or any Secondary School certificate recognized by the institution with the following minimum requirements:
i.    Six passes in a school leaving Certificate including English
A minimum of three must be credits in subject taught at primary school level
ii.    A PTC qualification, this places a candidate on second year of the programme.


Applicants are selected in order of merit and this process includes an oral interview.


They are available at the college from the second week of January up to the 31st of March of each calendar year.


Every department sets specific departmental requirements with which applicants need to comply. These requirements are subject to change from time.


Current fees for 2010 /2011 stand as follows:
•    Boarding and lodging            : E9900 -00
•    Tuition                    : E4960 -00
•    Book Fee                : E2000 -00
•    Teaching Practice             : E1500 -00 
•    Protective clothing            : E  500 -00  


The academic year runs from August to May of the following year and comprises of two semesters.


Commences    :  August of each calendar year
Ends        :  December


Commences    :  January of each calendar year
Ends        :  May


Telephone    : (+268) 22078466/7
Fax        : (+268) 22078112
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Click Here For An Application Form

William Pitcher College was established in September 1962 and started with fifty (50) students. Programmes offered at that time included T4 (Primary Lower) and T3 (Primary Higher). Thenenrolment in each programme was twenty five (25) students andnthe duration of the training was two (2) years. The main reason for the establishment of the college was to supply qualified teachers to the Primary Schools, since there was still a lot of emphasis on Primary School education.

After Independence the need for Secondary School education was felt which led to the expansion of existing secondary schools and establishment of new ones. In order to meet the need for Secondary School teachers, the then two (2) year Secondary

Teachers Certificate programme was started in 1970. At the sametime, the T4 and T3 programmes were revised and replaced with the two (2) year Primary Teachers Certificate programme which started in 1971. Before the college was affiliated to the Universitynof Swaziland, the graduands were certified by the Ministry of Education.

In 1975, the college started offering an In-service Home EconomicsCourse for qualified serving Primary School Teachers. This was a one year programme. As from 1986 the Primary and Secondary Teachers Certificate
programmes were phased out and replaced with three (3) year Diploma programmes; Primary and Secondary Teachers’ Diploma.

In the 1980’s the country felt a shortage of Secondary Schoolteachers due to an exodus of teachers to the Republic of South Africa, hence the need to train more Secondary School Teachers. The Primary Teachers Diploma programme was then phased out in order to increase intake for the Secondary Teachers Diploma programme. The last graduands for the Primary Teachers Diploma completed their course in November1993. Also, the one-year Home Economics Certificate course which was started in 1975 was stopped in 2004 and thereafter the college concentrated only in the Secondary Teachers Diploma programme.

The college has continued being the only institution in the country concentrating in the training of Secondary School Teachers in Education/Professional Studies, English, SiSwati, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, and Religious Education. Support subjects include Music and Physical Education. The introduction of Free Primary Education in Swaziland necessitated the re-introduction of the Primary Teachers Diploma programme in August 2009. Currently, the college runs two programmes; Primary and Secondary Teachers Diploma. The college continues to spread the light by training teachers towards the achievement of one of the millennium goals; Education For All in 2015.


To provide teachers who are well equipped with competent teaching skills to facilitate academic excellence among learners in the schools.

William Pitcher equips teacher trainees with skills to effectively teach learners in the schools under diverse social and academic challenges of the dynamic society, and inculcate the spirit of professional development.

1. To train primary and secondary pre-service teachers
2. To engage in educational research
3. To equip teacher trainees with skills to interpret and
implement the various subject syllabi.

Key Functions:

1. Training primary and secondary school teachers
2. Conducting Research
3. Periodically review subject curriculum to address prevailing
teacher training and school curriculum needs
4. Plan, coordinate, supervise and assess teacher trainees’ work/activities at the college and while in schools during teaching practice.

Services Provided
1. Staff development workshops for teachers in the schools
2. Counselling for teacher trainees

How to apply:

Application is open to all qualifying candidates from January until 31st March each calendar year. Application forms are obtainable from the college reception or through the college website. Completed application forms with relevant documents are expected to be returned to the college on or before the 31st March after payment of an application fee indicated in the application form.

Click here for an application form

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